Mood Food - 6 nutrients to nourish and make you feel good

Mood Food - 6 nutrients to nourish and make you feel good

Often when thinking of foods to lift our mood, our minds wander to carb-rich or sugary treats – comfort food that perhaps reminds us of happier times or being nurtured as a child. Whilst there is a scientific basis to the mood-boosting effects of carbohydrates – which have been shown to increase levels of the ‘happy chemical’ serotonin in our brains – consumed in excess without sufficient activity, carbohydrates may lead to weight gain and feelings of sluggishness, as well as guilt, which may not make us feel so great.

These foods may also lead to fluctuating blood sugar levels, which can affect our mood and lead to irritability. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy that big bowl of creamy pasta or slice of cake, but there are other foods – many of which offer additional health benefits – which can also play a role in lifting our mood. If you’re eating to feel happier, consider including the following nutrients via your diet:


Magnesium, a mineral found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dark chocolate, plays an important role in the body and is involved in over 300 different chemical reactions, including in the brain. It’s not uncommon for modern-day diets to lack magnesium, and studies indicate that a deficit of this important mineral can be a contributing factor in several mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. Magnesium is known to calm the nervous system, assisting with fear, irritability, and restlessness, all common symptoms of stress. An additional bonus is that magnesium is known to improve sleep quality – something we know to be an essential factor in governing our mood – through the regulation of GABA levels, a neurotransmitter which promotes slumber.

B Vitamins

B-vitamins can be found in a variety of foods including whole grains, meat, fish, dairy, eggs and dark green leafy vegetables. B-vitamins work best in conjunction with one another, as each type appears to have a slightly different action on aspects contributing to mood regulation. B-vitamins give us a ‘lift’ via their role in the synthesis of serotonin, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression, improving sleep quality, and balancing blood sugar – which is important, as low levels cause the body to produce the stress hormone cortisol. A daily supplement (or high quality multivitamin a full-spectrum B-complex such as Inessa's Advanced Multivitamin) can be helpful to ensure you’re getting enough, and can also help boost your energy. 


It’s always been sound advice to ‘eat your greens’, because dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, chard, kale, and spring cabbage contain high amounts of folate. Although folate is classed as a B-vitamin, it deserves its own mention, as it is an essential nutrient for supporting mental health. Studies show that people with depression tend to have lower dietary intake and blood levels of folate compared with those without the condition. The mechanism is not fully understood, though it is thought that folate deficiency may impair the metabolism of the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Inessa's Advanced Multivitamin contains highly bioavailable natural folate in the quality 5-MTHF form, and is one of the most advanced formulas available for daily nutritional support. 


Zinc is often lacking in processed foods and vegan diets, as major sources of this essential mineral are meat, fish and poultry. Although present in plant foods, its uptake by the body may be compromised when compared with zinc derived from animal products. Zinc is involved in modulating the brain and body’s response to stress and it has been found that zinc deficiency may lead to symptoms of depression and low mood. Inessa's Advanced Multivitamin (certified by The Vegan Society) contains quality zinc - which also supports the immune system - in a therapeutic dose.


Fish, shellfish, and iodised salt contain iodine, a nutrient critical for the optimum functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid affects the body in many ways, including management of our energy levels, immune function and brain performance as well as mood. Iodine is required for the production of thyroid hormones, and it is found that people with under-functioning thyroid glands can often feel low. Inessa Advanced Daily Multivitamin contains Iodine to support your nutritional intake, as well as other nutrients to support thyroid function, in a convenient, once daily, formula.


Omega-3 fatty acids are known as ‘essential fats’ because our bodies can’t make them, and so they must be included in our diet, the richest source being found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Depression has long been linked with a diet low in omega-3, and countries that consume a lot of these fats have a lower incidence of this condition. Research has shown that fish oil, which contains fatty acids EPA and DHA, can be as effective as antidepressants in the treatment of depression. One theory as to why omega-3s are able to lift mood is that DHA primarily plays a role in developing neurons, while EPA is crucial for chemical signalling between brain cells and can influence levels of the feel-good neurotransmitter, serotonin. For that reason it’s always a good idea to take a high-strength fish oil supplement as part of your diet plan and Inessa's Advanced Omega 3 provides premium-quality fish oil of exceptional clinical-grade potency, freshness and purity and is sustainably sourced.

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Post author

Aliza Marogy

Nutritional Therapist, ND & Founder of Inessa