Wave Makers: Emily King, Founder of C Word Mag

Wave Makers: Emily King, Founder of C Word Mag

Emily King is the founder of The C Word Mag, an online publication that champions women through articles on everything from career to sustainability. Here, she speaks with us about her motivations for starting the magazine and how she takes care of her wellness amidst the demands of entrepreneurship.

You have created an empowering magazine that champions women with C Word. What inspired you to start it?

You know what, I’ve been asked this question so many times and I can’t actually pinpoint when I made the executive decision! I really wish I could, but I think it had maybe been bubbling within me for some time unconsciously, and it wasn’t until the first coronavirus lockdown when I had the time to think about it, play around with the logo design, the website and then it just sort of flowed out of me.

Inspiration wise, there are so many fantastic, inspirational women around me, and in the world in general, I feel privileged now at this point to be able to help spread the word about them, or about the incredible work they’re doing.

C Word partners with mental health app TruthMap. How would you suggest other founders create meaningful partnerships that reflect their core mission?

TruthMap Hologram was a no brainer for me, because I’m a huge advocate for mental health (having suffered myself), so knew I wanted to have a legitimate mental health partner. Funnily enough, they approached us, but working with Holly on their team has been a breeze – I’d recommend!

For other brands or founders looking to create meaningful partnerships, I think the word ‘meaningful’ is where all the focus needs to be. Something is only meaningful to you as a founder if it is intrinsically personal. Take what you need, and make it into something your brand needs – your brand is an extension of you after all.

You have built a diverse community and group of writers. What advice would you give to editors hoping to keep inclusivity at the forefront of their publications?

Oh wow, I love this question. Diversity and inclusivity are so important, it’s important to me as a person in life generally, so I had to make it a focus for The C Word in not only who we work with, but in our writing community. All editors need to be mindful of things like unconscious bias in workplaces, micro-aggressions, and breaking away from thinking that inclusivity means people who are POC. We need to be including LGBTQI+, BIPOC, multi-ethnic, and disabled communities – marginalised communities have a voice and deserve to be heard. One company we’re working with this year who are fantastic at this is SIC (Sick In The City) – they help companies by training them on being more inclusive to chronically ill and disabled people.  

The way we work has changed throughout the many lockdowns? What habits do you practice for your mental health while you work?

I’ve taken up Pilates over the last few years, whilst in and out of lockdowns. Even if it’s only 10 minutes in a day, I feel about a million times better for having moved my body. Sometimes though, your body just doesn’t want to move, so on those days, I meditate. When even that fails, it’s all about a sneaky Toni’s Chocolonely bar – the orange one is my kryptonite! 

How do you keep your team motivated?

I know it’s easy to say, but being kind to people is my number one. You don’t know what other people are dealing with, especially now as we sit disconnected yet connected behind screens. We have a rule at The C Word that we don’t believe in deadlines – meaning no one is rushing, everything is happening at each individuals’ own pace. We have writer’s who are full-time parents, work full-time, also have their own side hustles, work multiple jobs etc. So time is precious. That being said, nothing screams motivation like a hilarious GIF – personal favourite is Dory from Finding Nemo saying ‘Just keep swimming’. 

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

A friend gave me this advice last summer actually, she said, “Don’t think about your next job. Think about the job after that – that’s the one that is your dream job. So what job do you need to get you to that dream job. Think and choose that.” It really made me for the first time assess where I wanted to be, and proactively think about what I needed to do in order to get there. 

Do you have a favourite wellness product?

You know what, I’ve become (probably with age) someone who finds it difficult to get to sleep when I’m stressed. Once I’m asleep, I’m golden but it’s sometimes the process when I’m lying in bed and thoughts are racing around my head. That’s when I found my winning combo of CBD (from Unique CBD) and lavender pillow spray (by This Works) – I start reading a book, spritz some lavender spray and add a drop of CBD oil under the tongue, and it sends me to asleep in about 10 minutes. 

Visit C Word Mag here.

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